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Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Update..19th Birthday & new hair!

Hey, Sorry I've been a bit absent. Work is literally taking over my life! I celebrated my 19th birthday a few weeks ago. I went for dinner with mom and did some shopping on the day of my birthday. For the weekend, I went to visit my best friend from college at her house in Galway, who also happens to have the same birthday. Here are some pics of my birthday and some of the gifts I received.

I picked up this dress in river island for 37 euro.

I also got my hair highlighted recently. Here are some pics of it below. I really love it, I was longing for a change as I was getting fed up of my hair.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Ladies Day at the Galway Races

Hello again, okay so I don't know where time is going. I haven't been posting regularly because I have just been so busy working. I rarely get time to do anything else. But last Thursday, I got the day off work and got dolled up for ladies day at the Galway races. Here are some pics of my outfit:

Dress - River Island
Blazer - Swamp
Wedges- River Island
Fascinator - local shop called Glamorize

I really enjoyed putting my outfit together and getting dressed up. I had a great day! I love looking around at everyone's style. Chat soon...Rachel xoxo