1.) DON'T GET SUNBURNT!!! believe me I'm talking from experience. Your skin gets really badly damaged and it can't take the tan.
2.) MOISTURISE your skin. If you happen to sunburn your skin before the tan, the major advice that I was given is to moisturise, moisturise, moisturise! Use a rich moisturiser like the one pictured below.
It's called cocoa butter formula by palmers. It contains vitamin E which is amazing for repairing your skin.
3.) EXFOLIATE! It's so important before you get a tan to exfoliate to get rid of all the dead skin cells.
I hope you find these tips helpful and that your tan doesn't end up going as bad as mine did. If you have a special occasion coming up, whether it be a wedding, Debs, prom anything, just stay out of the sun. Your skin ends up peeling and the tan can't possible take to your skin. Have you any other tips for achieving the perfect fake tan? <3
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